Thursday, 30 June 2011

Little Green Bag

Once upon a time, I bought a small green vintage leather bag from eBay. I loved it; I took it everywhere and put everything that would fit in it. Consequentially it began to break, and instead of following the "stitch in time saves nine" philosophy, I just kept using it until it had to be thrown into the bottom of my 'to be fixed' trunk. Whilst tidying, I found it again, and decided it had to be saved. Here are some pictures for you lovely people!

Snapped strap

The front all ripped off.

The stap after glue gun and fabric tape

the same green cotton tape and a LOT of glue

Simple really, but I love this bag, and it's coming out with me tonight!!


Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Auction haul!

I went with my mum and brother to Lewes auction yesterday, and I seem to have caught the auction bug! Must remember that I don't need antiques!
I managed to become the happy owner of a lawnmower box of cameras. As I was looking at a warthog head (as you do) Cameron (my brother) rushed over and told me that I had to look at this box under a table. So glad he did, because what I found was lot 153.... and it was love at first sight.


My Pentax K10's long lost grandpa

My absolute favourite

consul box camera.

All the lovelies - 28 in total. 
If I am honest, it was a bit of an action of heart rather than head - I'm supposed to be saving for Europe. However, at £72.60, I think you'll agree that this was a positive steal - even with some duds in there. It makes the cameras average out at £2.60 each. I'm a happy bunny. There were also a few light meters, lenses, filters, tripods, new 1980s opera glasses and (not pictured) a photoschneidemaschine - which I can only imagine is a kind of guillotine? However it has a serrated edge - so if anyone could shed light as to why that would ever be a good idea, that would be great!
I have discussed creating a dark room in our garage with my mum... only problem is I am not a photographer, I did not take photography at college.
I have no idea what I am doing.
Good job then, that I like the look of cameras. Because they are all film, and I haven't a clue. Time to hit the books I think!

We also bullied my mother into buying an oil of a clipper which the auction room decided was horrible. Cam and I disagreed and got it for £6 plus buyers premium. I would have cried my heart out if it was my work that received so much negativity.
Just because we can, our plan is to paint a Jolly Rodger on, paint the sailors to be little Jack Sparrows, 'rip' the sails a bit and send it to the french lake house. All in good fun!

measures 51" by 54".... it was fun getting it in the car.

See the little striped sailors?
Anyway that's enough for now! Off to clean, knit and read - classic teenage activities.

Saturday, 25 June 2011

Disappointing news

I regret to inform you lovely people that although I will be creating lots of lovely things this summer, I will not be putting it on etsy. I am travelling and going on holiday a lot, then to uni, so it makes no sense to have the shop up and running if I shan't be there to run it :(

However, this does mean that I am  less stressed and I will still be posting on here - there's a lot to come!!

Lots of Love