Thursday, 20 December 2012

Christmas tree cutting

So, today we cut our Christmas tree. Cameron climbed up and took the top out of what was once a Christmas tree itself, which has grown to be about a 40 footer! Cam took the top 15 feet off the top, and I stood as supervision. It is so rainy and gross outside. POO.

Some Jammy dodgers I made a few days ago

Tree before...
....Now with a hefty gap.

Our poor neglected play set. 

Monday, 17 December 2012

New Years Resolution

I know it's a tad early, but I've made my resolution; Bake once a week.
Back in 2011, my resolution was similar but more vague; Bake More. I loved this, and so did my lucky friends. A few examples....

So now, for 2013, I've made a list of 52 recipes. I've tried to challenge myself with things and techniques I've never done before. I hope that this will allow me to establish some good recipes to play around with and adapt.

The list includes Chocolate and Raspberry brûlée, Lemon Meringue Pie, Ginger Florentines... beautiful things. I'm just going to have to run more!

And all this is in aid of..... My future career. Yes, I am training to be an architect right now, but I have been thinking about a little bakery for a LONG time. I would love nothing more than to live doing something I love. So I've half made the decision to set up a bakery after I finish my degree, instead of pursuing architecture forever.

I am encouraged by my friend Lilly, who set up a brilliant launderette with her sisters. They seemed to have fun doing it too!

Sunday, 9 December 2012

Stockholm Photos

I got my film back from the processors!!! YES!!! I think I used a 400??  B&W film. Never been so nervous to pick up a developed film!

Took photos of the prints on another camera - I apologise for this; the prints are better in real life! Also - sorry for the bad White Balance on a few!

Mum's prezzies!

Money is a little tight, so I made my mum some pretty things this year.

A crocheted twisted headband

A little bit of fun...

and a pic of her flowers on the front of a card.